A Tale of Titanic Proportions: Poll Results
Poll Results:
(Results are updated every evening at 10:00 PM MST)
What do you think of Titanic and its success?
I loved it! It is one of the best films ever made! -- 40.00% (4 votes)
I liked it a lot! It was a decent, well-made film with flaws. -- 40.00% (4 votes)
I am indifferent to it. I don't need to see it again. -- 10.00% (1 vote)
I didn't like it all that much. It was too sappy for my tastes. -- 10.00% (1 vote)
I hated it. Won't see it again! -- 0.00% (0 votes)
I haven't seen it yet! -- 0.00% (0 votes)
I never want to see it! -- 0.00% (0 votes)
Do you think it should be considered a contemporary classic?
Definitely! This will be remembered along with Gone With the Wind and Casablanca! -- 60.00% (6 votes)
Not really. It was good, but it's not up to the quality of those classics! -- 30.00% (3 votes)
No! This film shouldn't even be mentioned alongside those classics! -- 10.00% (1 vote)
Do you think Titanic should win Best Picture?
Yes, it definitely does! -- 60.00% (6 votes)
I don't care whether or not it does. -- 10.00% (1 vote)
No! It does not! -- 30.00% (3 votes)
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